Existing Meditators
Not your first rodeo?
Tergar Australia is home to a varied community of practitioners, ranging from brand new students to those who have decades of practice and Buddhist study under their belts. This diversity brings such richness to our community, and we facilitate a number of peer-led offerings to meet the differing needs and stages of our sangha.
In addition, Tergar International and Tergar Asia offer a range of programs and events, both online and in person to support you on your journey.
Mingyur Rinpoche’s method of teaching takes the essence of traditional Buddhism and makes it clear and relevant to modern life and philosophy. This includes both foundational and more advanced learning, all stemming from an unbroken and genuine lineage of practitioners.
The inclusion aspiration of Tergar ensures that students can experience rich learning and progression on a clear path in a way that is affirming and non-judgmental. At Tergar Australia we have a supportive and connected sangha which operates from this place of inclusion and allows all to flourish and share ideas and experiences in a safe environment.
Depending on your own interests and experience, there are a range of ways to connect with us.
The Joy of Living
Tergar offers a wealth of opportunities to learn and practice meditation, to follow a path of Buddhist practice, and to study the core teachings of Tibetan Buddhism. Tergar’s unique approach focuses on the importance of integrating meditation and spiritual study with one’s immediate life circumstances.
The Tergar journey begins with the Joy of Living, a three-stage path of meditation training through which we learn how to calm the mind, open the heart, and develop wisdom. Working with basic functions of the heart and mind, such as mindful awareness and loving-kindness, and compassion, these teachings can be practiced by people of all faiths and belief systems.
Rooted in the spiritual tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, the meditation practices that are taught in the Joy of Living meditation program are not just for beginners, but also contain great depths of wisdom for experienced practitioners as well.
Tergar Australia hosts regular weekly online meditation and discussion groups which are free to attend and open to anyone. These peer-led groups contain a wide spectrum of practitioners, with occasional support from Tergar Instructors Edwin and Myoshin Kelley. To find out more information, view our main events page here.
The Path of Liberation
The Path of Liberation is an experiential path of meditation practice for those who feel inspired to follow the Buddhist teachings of Tibet as their primary spiritual path.
Encompassing the most important practices of the Kagyu and Nyingma lineages of Tibetan Buddhism, and building on the foundational teachings of the Joy of Living, the Path of Liberation presents a series of meditation techniques from the Mahamudra and Dzogchen traditions designed to strip away the causes of suffering and uncover the radiant awareness that underlies all experience.
Existing mediators who have received pointing out instructions may wish to join our weekly Nature of Mind study group or other small breakout groups that form in conjunction with Tergar’s Vajrayana Online program. We also offer a Nectar of the Path practice on weekday mornings.
To view all of Tergar Australia’s upcoming and ongoing programs for Path of Liberation Students, head over to our main events page here. There is also a rich and ongoing offering of programs offered by Tergar International which can be found online at tergar.org.
To see upcoming study and practice opportunities

The essence of Buddhist practice is not so much an effort at changing your thoughts or your behavior so that you can become a better person, but in realizing that no matter what you might think about the circumstances that define your life, you’re already good, whole, and complete. It’s about recognizing the inherent potential of your mind. In other words, Buddhism is not so much concerned with getting well as with recognizing that you are, right here, right now, as whole, as good, as essentially well as you could ever hope to be.
The Path of Liberation
The Path of Liberation is multi-year course of Buddhist meditation practice that immerses the practitioner in the main forms of meditation taught in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. The most important form of practice on this path involves exploring the nature of mind through a series of experiential exercises and direct instructions provided by Mingyur Rinpoche and other qualified teachers. Various other forms of meditation training are also taught, including contemplations on core Buddhist teachings like impermanence and compassion, the preliminary practices (ngondro), and practices that involve visualizing sacred symbolic imagery.
Mingyur Rinpoche created the Joy of Living teachings precisely for those who are interested in following a path of meditation, but in a non-religious format. The Path of Liberation, on the other hand, is a Buddhist path. To learn more about The Path of Liberation program and study track, including information on pre-requisites and other frequently asked questions, please visit the Path of Liberation overview page at Tergar International here, or read the FAQ here.
Tergar Australia offers a number of study and practice opportunities for Path of Liberation students, including our daily Nectar of The Path practice, as well as our weekly Nature of Mind Group, and more. To view all of Tergar Australia’s upcoming and ongoing programs for Path of Liberation Students, head over to our main events page here.
Vajrayana Online
Vajrayana Online is Tergar Meditation Community’s subscription-based online program for students to explore topics and practices from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. This program makes the traditional Buddhist path of awakening accessible and relevant by integrating theoretical understanding, experiential learning through guided meditation practice, and practical application in everyday life situations.
There are an incredibly rich and diverse range of programs available on the platform for practitioners of all levels, from Joy of Living to Path of Liberation to everything in between and beyond.
In addition to programs that you can do at your own pace, Vajrayana Online also hosts the annual Tergar Lineage Transmission. This is an offering of direct lineage teachings that can be absorbed through study and practice both online and in-person. Some of the offerings are open to all levels of students, while others may be restricted to those students meeting certain prerequisites.
On a local level, Tergar Australia occasionally hosts small groups events to support students enrolled in Vajrayana Online programs. Be sure to keep an eye on main events page here, or subscribe to our weekly newsletter to be notified when these events occur.
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